Dennis Domrzalski
Jun 26, 2021
Humpty Dumpty and a Poet's Dilemma
By Dennis Domrzalski A few more laughs. Here's an excerpt from Volume One of my nutty comic novel, I Got Stinky Feet, Open Air Asylum. ...

Dennis Domrzalski
Jun 25, 2021
Fat People's Poem
By Dennis Domrzalski Since everybody is offended by everything these days, I figured I'd get some sensitive types really angry by posting...

Dan Klein
Oct 26, 2019
This economic powerhouse can save the New Mexico Bowl
What are the positives of the Sinaloa Cartel sponsoring the New Mexico Bowl? They would fill the stadium. Of course, a lot of the people wil

Dennis Domrzalski
Jun 14, 2018
The Evils of Technology: Out-of-Control Refrigerators
(Editor's note: Sneaky and evil appliances are now spying on us, and the info they collect and save about us can and will be used by the...

Dan Klein
Jun 14, 2018
Trump Would Have Conquered Canada! And Mexico, and Every Other Two-Bit Country
A Trump, What If If Donald Trump had lived two hundred years ago the world would be a better place. America would be winning all the...

Dennis Domrzalski
May 16, 2018
Keller Fails to Solve Each and Every Problem!
In five months in office, Mayor Tim Keller has failed to solve every single one of the city's problems. Failure!

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 21, 2018
Domrzalski sings tribute to tax-hiker Trudy Jones
My singing tribute to tax-hiking City Councilor Trudy Jones.More taxes!

Pete Dinelli
Feb 21, 2018
Dinelli: turn ART platforms into breathalyzer stations
Perhaps our Firefighters could use the ART Buses to go to emergency calls for service using the ART Buses as a means of saving money.

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 19, 2018
More taxes! Domrzalski's poetic tribute to Ken Sanchez and Trudy Jones
ABQReport editor Dennis Domrzalski performing his poetic tribute to tax hikers Ken Sanchez and Trudy Jones. Tax us Trudy, tax us Ken, Tax...

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 19, 2018
Tax us Trudy, tax us Ken, tax us more again and again! More taxes!
We need more taxes! We should raise the GRT by at least a cent, hike the gas tax and tax everything else that moves in this city.