Dennis Domrzalski
Jan 11, 2018
ABQ economy remains one of worst in nation
Albuquerque ranked 160 out of 200 metro areas in terms of being able to create and keep good jobs.

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 8, 2017
ABQ Wage Growth Lags
Albuquerque's wage growth rate was the lowest of any city in the region.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 30, 2017
ABQ Economy 10 Years later: More Lower Paying Jobs
ABQ's economy has more lower paying jobs and fewer higher paying jobs than it did a decade ago.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 21, 2017
Why The Fuss Over Unions?
There are only 49,000 union members in New Mexico and they make up only 6.3 percent of the workforce