Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 14, 2018
City to hold off on enforcing panhandling law
The city has reached an agreement with the ACLU of New Mexico to forego enforcing the ordinance pending the outcome of a federal court lawsu

Dennis Domrzalski
Jan 11, 2018
ACLU sues city over pedestrian safety ordinance
In what will be an interesting test for Mayor Tim Keller's new administration, the ACLU on Thursday sued the city in federal court...

By Dennis Domrzalski and Dan Klein
Nov 8, 2017
APD's Panhandling Future
Here's what could wind up to be typical APD radio chatter when cops start cracking down on panhandlers.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 7, 2017
Will New Panhandling Law Be Enforced?
Now we'll see if Albuquerque's new anti-panhandling law will actually be enforced, what with the Albuquerque Police Department being...