Dennis Domrzalski
May 7, 2019
Wayne Propst loses big at PERA board meeting. Board rejects his 4 percent raise.
Members of the Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico are finally standing up to the agency's executive director, Wayne...

Dennis Domrzalski
May 4, 2019
Coward and Hypocrite: PERA board member Patty French
Patty French, a board member of the Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico, is a coward and a hypocrite. First let's get...

Dennis Domrzalski
May 3, 2019
Guest Op-Ed: PERA Pilfering from New Mexico Retirees’ Pockets
By Tim Eichenberg New Mexico State Treasurer and PERA board member Imagine the police officers in your hometown take an oath to serve and...

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 19, 2019
AG is reviewing allegations against PERA's Wayne Propst
New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas said he is reviewing allegations that the executive director of the state's Public Employees...

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 15, 2019
NM Treasurer: "Potential illegal pay adjustments" at PERA
- Treasurer Tim Eichenberg asks AG Hector Balderas to investigate PERA's Executive Director Wayne Propst. - Treasurer asks for probe of...