Update: APD says its PIO had inaccurate info about dead old girl
The Albuquerque Police Department says its PIO Simon Drobik had incorrect information when he told members of the news media that police had not been called about 1-year-old Anastazia Zuber when the really had been called--back in December.

APD spokesman Gilbert Gallegos said Drobik had quoted a missing persons bulletin which said that police had not been called about the girl.
Here's Gallegos' statement:
"Officer Drobik, as well as news media, quoted from the missing persons bulletin issued overnight on Jan. 2. That bulletin read:
“The last mention of the child was on December 18, 2018, when her father, DJ Zuber, told his mother Eva, that the baby had drowned in the bath tub. Police were not called, and cannot confirm if the child is alive or safe.”
"The statement, “Police were not called” in the bulletin was unclear and inaccurate, and should have said police were not called by the parents at the time of the alleged drowning.
"Although APD must get information about missing persons out as quickly as possible, the bulletin should not have contained any information about police contacts on the case until that information was thoroughly reviewed.
"At the current time, APD is aware of two calls to police on Dec. 18 – one from a relative, and an anonymous call. Both callers expressed concern because they had not seen the child with the parents, although neither call reported a drowning or death. Police responded to both calls. The Internal Affairs investigation ordered by Chief Geier will determine whether policies were followed since police were first notified about the missing child.
"APD is reviewing internal controls to ensure that future bulletins are vetted and do not contain incorrect information so that the department’s spokespersons are not placed in this position again."