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Tim Keller's vile Onate PR stunt

-- I don’t know it for a fact, but I just know it’s true, Albuquerque taxpayers and police officers are screwed so long as we have this mayor and this police chief.

-- Downtown business owners should tell Keller and Ike Benton that they are done paying city taxes since his police department is done protecting your businesses.

-- It looks like Keller coordinated the removal of the Onate statue with a protest by his campaign supporters. Can you say, "Coordination" and "Vile manipulation of the rest of us?"

-- I know it’s true that the Onate statue was paid for and is owned by the citizens of Albuquerque. Instead of removing it when everything was peaceful, Keller, it seems, tried to play a PR game to look good and in the end our statue (whether you like Onate or not) was vandalized. I know that is true.

Comedian Bill Maher has a segment entitled, “I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true.” Here is my version for Albuquerque.

Isn’t it odd that Mayor Tim Keller took down the statue of Onate, outside the Albuquerque Museum, the day AFTER the protest? If Keller was so WOKE about this statue you would think he would have taken it down without needing a protest in the first place. Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber didn’t need a protest to remove de Vargas. Webber understood how de Vargas was upsetting to Native Americans and acted all on his own. That’s what we call “big boy” leadership.

So why did Albuquerque’s, “Burque” PR mayor, Tim Keller, need a protest to tell him that the Onate statue was offensive to native Americans? Could this be a PR stunt by Keller and his associates?

Rahm Emanuel, past Chicago mayor, Obama chief of staff, famously stated, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. I mean, it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” Tim Keller must love this quote.

In Pete Dinelli’s blog post of June 19, 2020, he connects the dots between people who seemed to organize the Albuquerque Onate protest and their political relationship with Keller. You see it seems that some people at the protest were also heavy hitters in many politicians’ campaigns, including Keller’s.

It certainly is not illegal to organize a peaceful protest, and I believe that is exactly what these individuals thought it would stay, peaceful. I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true, would Keller be so shallow that instead of just ordering the removal of the Onate statue, he was looking for media coverage to show all his WOKE supporters just how WOKE he is? Remember, Keller is the guy who jumps in front of a camera all the time. From taking pictures in an Albuquerque Gladiator uniform, to crying elephant tears for detainees at the border, to hamming it with his heavy metal crowd, Keller loves the spotlight. Was the protest over Onate, at the very least attended by inner circle Keller people, and then Keller holding a press conference the next day coincidental?

Never let a crisis go to waste, use it for all the PR you can get.

What the inner circle didn’t expect was the chaos that ensued at the protest. All their best laid PR plans went to hell when everything at the protest went to hell. But the next day’s press conference went on. Never let a crisis go to waste, right Tim?

I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true, that there were idiots on both sides of the protest. That peaceful guy who took out a large knife and held it to Onate’s throat, I am sure he was peaceful. The peaceful guy who took a pickax to the statue, I am sure he was peaceful too. The armed militia members who felt dressing like it’s Baghdad 2005, are peaceful people. The guy who screamed “I am going to fucking kill you.” You guessed it, peaceful.

I don’t know it for a fact….I just know it’s true, that APD detained all of the militia members and took their guns, even though none have been charged with a crime and it appears none of them committed any crimes. I know the Albuquerque taxpayer will be coughing up some money once they sue. What about the guy in the Black Lives Matters t-shirt who appears to be armed with a handgun? He is seen talking away with an APD officer at the same moment the militia guys are being hauled off. I just know it’s true that someone with Keller’s office or APD command said not to touch him. You know it’s true too.

I know it’s true that the Onate statue was paid for and is owned by the citizens of Albuquerque. Instead of removing it when everything was peaceful, Keller, it seems, tried to play a PR game to look good and in the end our statue (whether you like Onate or not) was vandalized. I know that is true.

I just know it’s true that downtown business owners should stop paying taxes to Albuquerque. You pay taxes to the city as a contract. The agreement is you give the city taxes, they give you police protection. Keller has failed to protect the businesses during the protests that turned into looting and vandalism. Both Keller and APD Chief (am I allowed to call him Chief? Can someone who is WOKE let me know) Mike Geier have both stated publicly that in their opinion the mere sight of an APD officer in uniform can drive these peaceful protesters to the edge of insanity. The police must hide so as not to upset the fragile mental well-being of these peaceful protesters.

Seriously, the sight of the Kimo being ransacked, that guy with the skateboard busting out windows on downtown businesses and APD officers being ordered to release a criminal suspect because the APD leadership was scared of the MOB really pissed me off. Downtown business owners should tell Keller and Ike Benton that they are done paying city taxes since his police department is done protecting your businesses. With the money saved, the business owners can hire private security (or John “Bones” Jones) to protect their establishments.

If APD under Keller is not going to be allowed to protect property then I agree with the protesters, defund the police.

I don’t know it for a fact…after reading the first criminal complaint, done by APD, against Steven Baca, don’t you just know it’s true that someone from Kellers’ office called Geier and ordered him to order his detectives to arrest Baca. The complaint reads like what a defense attorney would prepare to defend Baca, instead of a criminal complaint to charge him. It seems to me that the APD detectives either told Geier that they needed more time to track down witnesses and victims before they could charge Baca, or they told Geier that it looked like a case of self-defense. Either way they were ordered to make an arrest that they didn’t believe was appropriate at that time. Tell me this didn’t happen, anyone?

I don’t know it for a fact… but you know Keller was pissed when that complaint was released prior to his orchestrated PR announcement that he was removing Onate’s statue. That’s why he dissed, again, his own police department by taking the investigation from APD and saying New Mexico State Police would do a better job. Why Governor Grisham would want to join in this idiotic chaos that is Albuquerque under Keller baffles me. Let’s see how fast she puts on her face mask and disappears into the crowd with this all goes to shit.

Any other police chief would be furious about a mayor slamming his police department and he would understand that investigations can never be rushed, but not Geier.

Remember when Geier didn’t know that when a teacher hands a police officer the bloody underwear of a small child that it’s OK to take them for evidence and investigate to determine if the child is ill or abused. Yeah, remember her? It took Hector Balderas, the Attorney General, to step into that mess to protect that child, but that was only after she was possibly abused for several more months. That’s just one example of mismanagement, we could talk for hours about APD’s human robot, Simon Drobik, but you get the idea.

I just know it’s true, that so long as Geier remains in command at APD we will continue to see a police department wrenched apart by a mayor looking for political points and a chief who does nothing to protect the integrity of the department and his officers. My god people, Geier hides his officers from public view because he and Keller are scared shitless of a mob of “peaceful protesters.” Are you OK with your taxes being spent this way? Again, I say, defund the police if you aren’t going to let them protect us.

I don’t know it for a fact….that district attorney, Raul Torrez, is going to blame APD for screwing up the investigation into the protest, oh hold on, he already did that. For Torrez it must be like Groundhog Day. Remember when he complained how APD totally botched the Victoria Martens investigation? My crystal ball says that NMSP will report to Torrez that APD screwed everything up so bad that the new charges Torrez is grasping at (with no victims named, didn’t know you could do that but maybe you can, 6th amendment anyone?) will also be dismissed.

Albuquerque has become Anarquerque (anarchy + Albuquerque) very WOKE of me.

I don’t know it for a fact,,, but I just know it’s true that some attorney is going to sue the city of Albuquerque for this insane response to protesters. Hold on, KOB just reported that the Kennedy Law Firm is suing APD for how they handled the protest. Their client is Scott Williams, the guy who got shot at the peaceful protest.

I don’t know it for a fact…but I just know it’s true that our WOKE mayor and asleep police chief will settle this case and you and I will pay a lot for their mismanagement.

I don’t know it for a fact, but I just know it’s true, Albuquerque taxpayers and police officers are screwed so long as we have this mayor and this police chief.

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I've been a reporter, writer and editor for 37 years. I'm dedicated to honest, fair and hard-hitting reporting. I'm not conservative or liberal, but am just a reporter who tries to get to the truth at any given point in time. I don't believe in pulling punches or being a lap dog because that serves no one. A free and aggressive press is essential to human liberty. That's why the Founding Fathers put a free press in the Constitution. So on this site you'll get a variety of news, fearless opinion, analysis, humor, satire and commentary. It's kind of like a free-for-all. My motto is "Without fear and without favor."  But good journalism takes time and money, so I hope you will contribute what you can to these efforts by clicking on the "Donate" button above. I could use your help. Thanks, Dennis Domrzalski.

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