ABQ population stagnation continues; 0.16 percent growth rate
The city of Albuquerque's population continues to stagnate. In the year that ended July 1, 2019, the city added 844 people for a growth rate of 0.16 percent. The city's population is now 560,513, according to population estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Of major cities in the region, only Salt Lake City had a lower growth rate at 0.1 percent. Salt Lake now has a population of 200,567.
Albuquerque's population has been basically stagnant for the past decade. Since 2010, the city's population has grown by 14,360, or 2.6 percent. That growth rate is the lowest of any major city in the region. Denver had the highest growth rate at 21.2 percent.
Population growth is a contentious topic. Many believe that growth is associated with a strong economy, excellent quality of life and opportunity. But others say it brings congestion, pollution, a higher cost of living and other problems.
So here are a bunch of charts that tell the population story.