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This violence is peaceful!

(Editor's note. Thank you to ABQ Raw for the photo and the video link. ABQ Raw is a group of freelance photographers that document the goings-on in this city and state.)

There are a few things you all must remember as this nation enters another strange and dangerous chapter in its history.

And that is that some protests and protesters are more equal than other protests and protesters.

Violence, when committed by some people, is wrong and deplorable, but noble, just and deserved when committed by others.

Some people have the right to protest and express their opinions, but others do not. Those who do not must be silenced--even by force--when they try to exercise their First Amendment rights.

In other words, protesting and expressing one's opinions and beliefs is now a one-way street. And the only people allowed on the street are leftists, progressives, anarchists and anyone else who has the "correct" opinions.

The photo below is from a double protest Sunday morning at Civic Plaza in downtown Albuquerque. The woman, who is armed with a large knife, is attacking and pushing an older man to the ground. (The video below shows the attack at 24:59 of the clip.) In the minds of Mayor Tim Keller, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, the mainstream news media and other "correct" thinkers, this violence perpetuated by the woman is not violence. To them it is just retribution for some perceived wrong. And the guy holding the American flag deserves to be attacked.

But to most of you, this is what it is: violence. And a younger woman attacking an older man, apparently because he's holding an American flag.

If it were the other way around and the guy with the flag had attacked the tattooed woman, he would have been arrested by now. His name would have been splashed all over the media and he probably would have been fired from his job. And if he had been the one armed with a knife to a protest at Civic Plaza, he probably would have been executed by now and his family sent to dungeons.

But what about the woman with the knife? Will the media try to identify her? Will Keller and Lujan Grisham denounce her violence? Will the mayor and governor lecture the mob about his right to protest? According to the video below, the woman attacked the guy with the flag (24:59). In mid-June, Mayor Tim Keller issued an executive order banning "deadly weapons, including firearms," from parks, Civic Plaza and other city property. The tattooed woman was armed with a knife, which is a deadly weapon and which was banned by Keller. Will she be identified and prosecuted?

You know the answer.

If the woman has a job, will she be fired? Will Bernalillo County District Raul Torrez hunt her down and prosecute her? Will Torrez file a lawsuit against her?

Well, no.

So, you see, there is a double standard here and it's dangerous to the whole idea of human liberty. The double standard is that the left's violence is justified and thus peaceful, anyone else's is not. The left has the right to protest, but anyone who opposes them doesn't.

Sunday's protest and counter protest was a perfect example of that dangerous double standard. Here's what ABQ Raw said about it:

Albuquerque - On July 19th, 2020, at 9AM organizers from the Black Lives Matter movement set up at Albuquerque's Civic Plaza to counter a no mask protest (I Can't Breathe Protest)which was scheduled to appear.

Counter protesters from the event shared why they were there. Tensions escalated when the no mask protesters showed up at 10AM. Members from the Black Lives Matter, Fight for Our Lives, and other organizers surrounded the no mask wearers.

Some individuals would yell obscenities at them and both sides would exchange words. Initially organizers of the 9AM counter protest said they would "allow" the 10AM protest to happen on Civic Plaza but they would ignore them when they showed up.BLM and other organizers swarmed the no mask protesters on the east side of the pavillion when the 10AM protest tried to start. Chants of Black Lives Matter could be heard from the scrum. Albuquerque Police responded quickly and stood between the different groups until the no face mask wearers left the scene in defeat. A few minutes later a man with an American flag began waving the flag atop a stairwell on Civic Plaza. That is when the Black Lives Matter group surrounded him. They told him they had a permit and that he was not welcome on the Civic Plaza. Words were exchanged and a woman can be seen in the video shoving him to the ground as he appeared to be leaving the scene. Uniformed police immediately responded and deployed pepper spray to the crowd.

Full uniformed Emergency Response Police also arrived on scene to separate the two sides. A stand off with protesters and Emergency Response Teams from the Albuquerque Police Department were deployed to Marquette Blvd in front of Civic Plaza in reference to the assault. The area was blocked off by police for at least a half hour as police restored order.Two men from the Black Lives Matter group and a no mask protester were taken by Albuquerque Police Officers for open carrying on Civic Plaza to the Prisoner Transport Center to be processed and all were released.

Mayor of Albuquerque Tim Keller issued the executive order mid June in response to a shooting incident that happened in the street outside of the Albuquerque Museum.

After the police dispersed from the area, organizers from the group had individuals standing guard to prevent any counter protesters from entering Civic Plaza.

So all the rest of you who aren't leftists and progressives, will you fight back against their liberty-destroying hypocrisy? Or will you let your freedoms be forcibly taken from you?

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Independent Journalism

I've been a reporter, writer and editor for 37 years. I'm dedicated to honest, fair and hard-hitting reporting. I'm not conservative or liberal, but am just a reporter who tries to get to the truth at any given point in time. I don't believe in pulling punches or being a lap dog because that serves no one. A free and aggressive press is essential to human liberty. That's why the Founding Fathers put a free press in the Constitution. So on this site you'll get a variety of news, fearless opinion, analysis, humor, satire and commentary. It's kind of like a free-for-all. My motto is "Without fear and without favor."  But good journalism takes time and money, so I hope you will contribute what you can to these efforts by clicking on the "Donate" button above. I could use your help. Thanks, Dennis Domrzalski.

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