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Bodies pile up in Keller's anti-cop utopia

Bodies are dropping all over Tim Keller’s anti-police utopia called Burque.

The number of homicides as of April 19, 2019 (this is an estimate as APD says there may be another homicide on Menaul, but that person clings to life still) is 43.

How do we get to this number? We use the Albuquerque Journal Homicide map, which as of April 19, 2021 shows 35 homicides. The Journal though doesn’t count the following, which by definition are also defined as homicides:

Two children killed by their drunk mothers on March 30, 2021

Mark Padilla, killed on January 9, 2021 (APD has not released any other details)

Ruben Parra, killed on February 2, 2021 (APD has not released any other details)

Claude Trevino, killed on February 20, 2021 by APD officers after trying to stab officers

Dominic Lueras, killed on march 19, 2021

Neil Green, killed on March 27, 2021.

Unknown male killed on April 16, 2021 by APD officers in Ventana Ranch

Adding these eight homicides to the other 35 gives us the count of 43 homicides in Burque and it’s only April. In only 3 ½ months 2 Albuquerque police officers and four Albuquerque citizens have had to kill people threatening them. Think about that. Do you feel safe in Keller’s Burque?

It’s only April.


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