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Homicide update

On March 27, 2021 APD responded to another homicide in the 5700 block of Eastern Se. This will make 31 homicides so far this year. Albuquerque is on pace to a record year in homicides. On March 26, 2021 a criminal complaint was filed in Cibola County District Court against Sean Lannon for the murder of three individuals who were missing from the Grants area and found murdered at the Albuquerque Sunport.

The complaint provides factual evidence for why it is believed these three people were murdered in Grants. The complaint states that the fourth person was murdered in Albuquerque. True to our promise to update the murder statistics once it was proven that the murders did not occur in Albuquerque, ABQREPORT is reducing our Albuquerque Homicide number to 31. This number includes the three homicides that APD has stated are justified. Once again, homicides are the taking of a life by another. A criminal element is not part of this definition. A murder is a criminal taking of another person’s life. ABQREPORT is tracking ALL homicides.


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