Stop bailing out the stupid
Some People Are Choosing Poorly, They Should Have to Live or Die with Their Decision
By Dan Klein
-- If you decide not to get the vaccine and you get sick, why should I pay for your care in the intensive care unit at the hospital? It was your decision not to protect yourself, so I say let you live, or die, with the consequences.
-- If you are dumb enough to ignore all the experts and refuse the COVID-19 vaccines, after 600,000 Americans have already died and millions more were stricken, then you should own your “poor choice.”
-- We must stop bailing out the stupid and dumb in this country.
Remember that scene from the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? You know the one, where the Templar Knight is guarding the Holy Grail and the Nazi's come and they must figure out which cup is the Holy Grail. Of course, the bad guy chooses the wrong cup, and he disintegrates. The knight then says, “he chose poorly,” thus putting into simple terms the idea of personal responsibility and the making of bad decisions.
In this time of COVID-19, I see a lot of people making good decisions, like getting vaccinated. But I also see a lot of adults making bad decisions, like refusing the vaccine. I think there should be more of a consequence for the making of bad decisions. In other words, if you decide not to get the vaccine and you get sick, why should I pay for your care in the intensive care unit at the hospital? It was your decision not to protect yourself, so I say let you live, or die, with the consequences. You own your own life, if you decide to drive it off the cliff why should I have to do anything more than provide comfort care?

That doesn’t mean I would let you die on the street; you would be given compassionate care. But that type of care doesn’t involve spending thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of nurses and doctors trying to save your dumb ass. No ventilators, no anti-body treatments, no lung transplants, etc. It just involves making you comfortable, and if you live you live, if you don’t, well that was your “poor choice.” We are all about personal choices in America, aren’t we?
This to me is a perfect example of “natural selection.” The dumbest zebras on the savanna did not last long, thinking that the lions were their friends. That made the future zebras smarter, and they stayed away from the lions. When this happened, the lions had to get smarter when hunting the zebras, usually going after the very young or the very old. This is evolution, the zebras and the lions evolved into smarter beasts to stay alive. Just like COVID is now evolving into a more dangerous form, Delta.
Of course, there is always the young, strong zebra who should have turned left but instead turned right and became dinner for the lions. It doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen. Just like a life-threatening side effect from a COVID vaccine. They are extraordinarily rare, but they do happen. Just because they do happen doesn’t mean everyone should stop taking the vaccine, but humans aren’t as smart as zebras and lions. Some humans will believe the most idiotic things, so they can create an excuse not to take the vaccine.
That’s the problem with a lot of human beings, because they can think, they believe they are smart. They aren’t. Because if they were they would “stay in their lane” and trust the real experts. And this leads me back to my original point: if you are dumb enough to ignore all the experts and refuse the COVID-19 vaccines, after 600,000 Americans have already died and millions more were stricken, then you should own your “poor choice.”
By this time it is a waste of breathe to try to convince the weak minded that they should get vaccinated. If they don’t understand how deadly COVID is by now, then let the laws of natural selection work their magic. We need to stop begging these idiots to get vaccinated and instead just tell them that if you get sick you get compassionate care and nothing more. Once we quit bailing these fools out from their dumb choices, some of them just might smarten up. Personal responsibility will do that to people.
It should not be up to me or anyone else to save your dumb ass when you get sick. You want freedom to choose, you got it and all that comes with it. There are too many Americans who try to do all the right things and still get sick, that we should direct our attention to. The stupid should live, or die, with their consequences, it’s natural selection and in time will hopefully make the human race smarter.
I know this sort of thinking will make some think that it violates a doctors Hippocratic Oath (don’t cause harm), but, so long as we guarantee compassion care, I don’t believe it does. In fact, I believe that the continual haranguing of people who don’t want to be vaccinated does create harm. By treating those who refused the vaccine with everything we have in today’s modern science, we are causing them harm because we are intruding upon their right to determine their own future. It also harms other patients who try to do everything right but still get sick with other diseases. Think about a person who did everything they could, but their DNA caused them to have lung cancer, but they can’t get a lung transplant because it was given to someone with COVID-19, because that person decided not to get vaccinated.
We must stop bailing out the stupid and dumb in this country. They want freedom of choice over their own bodies and healthcare, I say let them live, or die with their decisions. We should only save those who try to save themselves.