Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 14, 2017
Your Opinions Needed; Who Should Pay For ART?
Who should pay for The Guy Who Used to be Mayor's $134 million Albuquerque Rapid Transit project?

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 14, 2017
Ex-Newsman The New PR Person At APD
Expect Gallegos to bring to APD the values of a real newsman: openness, integrity, timeliness and honesty.

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 14, 2017
Keller Confirms That ART Still Isn't Funded
Mayor Tim Keller confirms what I've been saying all along: The FTA still hasn't approved the $134 million ART project.

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 14, 2017
How NM Police Departments Can Spot Bad Cops
Only 15 police agencies in New Mexico have signed onto a free national database of decertified police officers.

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 13, 2017
Taxpayers And Their Money Are Fleeing NM
Between 2010 and 2016, the state has suffered a net loss of 17,522 taxpaying households and nearly $1 billion in adjusted gross income.

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 13, 2017
Bail Bondsmen Should Stop Whining
“The Eighth Amendment's bail clause protects the interests of criminal defendants, not corporations who seek to provide bail bonds to th

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 12, 2017
Federal Court Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging NM Bail Reform
A federal court judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit by the Bail Bond Association of New Mexico that challenged the state's system of pre

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 12, 2017
When, not if, ABQ bus fares will rise
It's not a question of if Albuquerque's bus fares will have to at least double, but of when they will. By city law, the basic $1 bus fare...

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 11, 2017
FBI Considering Investigation Into UNM Health Sciences And Abortion Clinic
The FBI is looking into whether to open criminal investigations into the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and an Albuquerque

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 11, 2017
Holiday Bus Schedule
No bus service on Christmas or New Year's Day.

Pete Dinelli
Dec 10, 2017
Keller's Apology For Crime Wave Long Overdue
It was the Department of Justice, not Mayor Keller, who discredited APD four years ago when it did an investigation of APD and found a “patt

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 9, 2017
Weekly Update: Tragedy in Aztec and Sharp Ax at APD
Locally, it was Mayor Tim Keller and Albuquerque Police Chief Michael Geier who dominated the the news, but it was the fatal shootings in Az

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 9, 2017
Ax Falls On APD's Command Staff
APD's entire command staff was demoted and told they'd have to reapply for their jobs.

Kaiser Health News
Dec 8, 2017
Pace Of U.S. Health Spending Slows In 2016
U.S. health spending rose to $3.3 trillion in 2016, but the pace slowed compared to the previous two years as demand for drugs, hospital car

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 8, 2017
ABQ Wage Growth Lags
Albuquerque's wage growth rate was the lowest of any city in the region.