Dennis Domrzalski
Jan 5, 2018
More secret videos from the former sneaks at APD?
Huntsman appears to have made more than one secret recording of people involved in the reform process.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 16, 2017
Monitor, Everyone Else Rips APD's Obstruction In Reform Effort
Pretty much everybody ripped APD in court Thursday for obstructing the DOJ reform effort.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 14, 2017
DOJ Turns On APD Reform Monitor
The DOJ seemed to throw the independent monitor, James Ginger, under the bus.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 2, 2017
Master Spy Huntsman
Assistant APD Chief Robert Huntsman's spying could land him in deep excrement.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 1, 2017
Monitor: APD Trending Into Disorder
Jame Ginger's sixth report said that parts of APD's command staff are trending into disorder.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 24, 2017
Councilors: Kill APD Reform Messenger
The call for the audit of the monitor, James Ginger, is another example of how shockingly and disgustingly broken this city's administra