Florida Bail Bondsmen Beat Man with Metal Pipe for Missing Court over Suspended License
There are some people who are mourning the death of the bail bond industry in New Mexico now that the state Supreme Court has changed the rules for bonds, and now
that a federal court judge has tossed out a lawsuit by the state's bail bondsmen that challenged the new rules.

But, there have been numerous stories in the past several years of how bail bondsmen and their bounty hunters are often out of control.
This story comes from Florida, where on Dec. 13, two bail bondsmen beat a man with a metal pipe: What did the guy do to deserve being bashed with a pipe?
He missed a court appearance for driving on a suspended license.
You watch the video of the beating here.
The question we have to ask now is what would the bounty hunters done to the guy if he had missed a court appearance for jaywalking?