More Nuttiness From Alabama
More nuttiness in Alabama over the allegations that Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore was trying to do it with underage girls back in the 1970s.
Yesterday, Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler defended Moore by citing the Bible and saying that Joseph was an adult carpenter when he met Mary, then a teenager, and that they went on to become Jesus’ parents. He was basically using ancient marital customs to justify allegations of modern-day pedophilia.
Ziegler has been widely denounced and ridiculed.
Then today, Republican Alabama State Representative Ed Henry said that he wanted someone to bring charges against the women who accused Moore of making sexual advances on them when they were teenagers.
Here's an excerpt from the post in RawStory:
“In an interview with The Cullman Times, Henry raged that the women interviewed in the Washington Post’s bombshell report about Moore’s sexual behavior waited so long to publicly accuse him of having improper relations with them when they were teens.
“If they believe this man is predatory, they are guilty of allowing him to exist for 40 years,” Henry fumed. “I think someone should prosecute and go after them. You can’t be a victim 40 years later, in my opinion.”
You've got to at least appreciate the sick and twisted logic.
That's like denouncing and charging people who bribe politicians, but not the politicians who take the bribes. Those vile pigs purposely laid temptation - and the vilest form of it - at the feet of our pure congressmen and senators. That's what the devil does; he tempts righteous people and blackens their souls.